Reporting a Bug in Ivanti Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB

Summary: How to report a bug from within the Ivanti Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB platform.

To report a bug from within the Ivanti Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB platform, navigate to the Configuration (Settings Menu - Gear - Small) > Report a Bug page from the top-right corner of the screen.

Report a Bug - Report a Bug Menu Location

The Report a Bug window allows users to send a message to the Support team without leaving the platform. The window can be dragged around the page as needed.

Report a Bug - Report a Bug Window

The following list describes the fields that appear in the Report a Bug window.

  • User Information: The platform pre-populates this information.

  • Preferred Contact Method: This is the drop-down box under User Information. Designate your preferred contact method by selecting between email, phone, and text message.

  • Drag Files Here: Attach screenshots and other files (.png and .jpg formats only) to the support request. Either drag the files to the grey box or use the Select Files button to upload images.

  • Describe the Problem: Describe the problem in detail. Include information about what you were doing, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.

  • Steps to Reproduce: Explain the steps performed that caused the bug. Detail provided in this section helps Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB Support with diagnosing and resolving issues.

  • Additional Information: Add any additional information that would help Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB Support regarding this request.

Once you complete the form, click Submit. Submitting this request opens a ticket with Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB Support.